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Introduction & Highlights

In Kunming, there is a little-known paradise that boasts high mountains, deep canyons, cliffs, and serene lakes. This place is Dongchuan district's "Fairy Pond," a vast wilderness that allows you to free your spirit, and a favourite destination for hiking and off-road enthusiasts.

Dongchuan is the most remote township in Kunming city. Here, you will find both the lowest river valley and the highest peak in central Yunnan. This region offers magnificent gorges, alpine meadows and treacherous roads that rival those of Zhangjiajie's unique peaks and rocks. The grasslands here are populated by more cattle and sheep than stars in the sky. The landscape changes dramatically throughout all four seasons, making it feel like a lost world. It was once known for its thriving mining industry and rich cultural heritage.

Due to its high mountains and deep valleys, Dongchuan features a vertical distribution of climates as well as distinct changes in flora, fauna species, and ethnic communities with increasing elevation. Fairy Pond itself is located tens of kilometers behind Lanniping Mine in Tangdan Town of Dongchuan District, surrounded by mystifying clouds and exuding an aura of mystery, making it an untouched virgin land waiting to be explored.

In springtime, the mountains bloom with colourful flowers; during summertime, the meadows become lush green carpets; autumn graces Fairy Pond with gentle winds while winter adorns it with magnificent snowy landscapes. This place offers breathtaking beauty but also potential danger, it has known as the "Tibetan region of Kunming," With its foggy sea vistas resembling an otherworldly paradise cut off from civilization, Fairy Pond is home to towering cliffs that can send shivers down your spine. It’s a place that allows hikers to free their spirits while serving as a spiritual sanctuary for off-road enthusiasts.

Fairy Pond remains undeveloped to this day, preserving its wild state. 

Where to Experience

Hiking Routes:

1.Stone Village: Although farther away, it offers a gentler climb with slightly lower difficulty

2.Lanniping: It is a shorter distance but has steeper slopes, making it relatively more challenging


Since Fairy Pond often closes due to road conditions. It is advisable to check with locals before embarking on either route.

Here is an example hiking route through Stone Village:


1) Navigation: Stone Village, Dongchuan (Note: Non-off-road vehicles should stop here)

2) Time: Approximately 3.5-hours drive from Kunming. After reaching Stone Village, navigate towards Fairy Pond. Park your car at the roadblock made of soil mounds, and then hike or take a pickup truck ride provided by local villagers directly towards Fairy Pond

3) Take the main road either on foot or by car directly to Fairy Pond. Advantages include close contact with ice surfaces, waters and reference points based on photographs found in most guidebooks. Disadvantages include a longer hiking time without the experience of crossing snow-capped mountains. However, this option provides relatively safer access.

4) Travel Guide: No entrance fee. Camping lovers may find suitable spots around. Furthermore, hikers may climb various peaks for photo opportunities.

Distance traveled on foot: Approximately 8km (mainly circling dual lakes, bringing along drones could enhance photography experience). Total time spent exploring: a few hours.


The scenery offered along dangerous cliff edges upon sudden glance leaves people incredulous. Striding through Dadi Slope Village, Tangdan Town, visitors find traces left behind from fourth-century glaciers atop hills still covered partially under snow during April.


Meanwhile, during July, the hottest month, the average temperature only reaches 18.8 degrees Celsius at these elevations while offering respite from summer heatwaves. Standing at mountain passes, on occasion, strong winds will make you feel unsteady.


Despite significant temperature differences compared to lower altitudes, Dongchuan serves as cool retreat against hot summer days. Bordered by high mountains, canyons and hidden white clouds, the Fairy Ponds backdrop unveils panoramic views over lush green meadows, yielding azure skies dotted occasionally by wispy white clouds, a sight capable of bringing immense joy.


Gazing upon Fairy Pond’s crystal-clear, mirror-like waters invites explorers' footsteps onto grassy plains. While witnessing nature's divine craftsmanship, bathing under blue skies decorated delicately, surrounded entirely by stunning landscapes, resembles stepping into magical realms. 


Apart from these enchanting experiences, navigating the surroundings reveals exceptionally fresh air paired alongside amazingly clear blue skies dotted sporadically with soft billowy white clouds, creating a serene atmosphere. Being beneath endless horizons against precipitous cliffs renders indescribable wonderment.



1. Not recommended for beginners due to ongoing closures and restrictions imposed on ascent. Nevertheless, the roads have been temporarily blocked which restricts travel halfway up mountain slope, resulting in a total round-trip length spanning approximately 12 km and consisting of steep uphill sections. Due to exceeding altitudes over 400 meters, take necessary precautions if susceptible to altitude sickness. Bring motion sickness medication if required.


2. It is advised to join organized tours. The roads are complex. Tour leaders offer clear directions, preventing unnecessary detours. Furthermore, no cellphone signals exist, so downloading satellite maps is useful prior to departure. 


3. From downtown Kunming City, it takes approximately three hours by car to Dongchuan, passing Awang Toll Station enroute, where rests/stops can be taken.